Peppermint Scent - Single Ring

Aromatherapy Diffuser Ring By Essence

Whether you're dealing with a dodgy stomach after that questionable lunch or trying to shake off a headache that's outstayed its welcome, Peppermint Scent diffuser ring is here to help. Peppermint isn't just for your tea or toothpaste; it's been a remedy for soothing stomach troubles and kicking headaches to the curb since the days of togas and the Colosseum.

We've been pretty crafty, blending the zing of pure peppermint essential oil with the softest carrier oils out there. This means you get all the peppermint perks without turning your nose up at any harsh vibes. It's like a cool breeze on a hot day, but for your senses. 

See Ingredients

Latex-free Silicone, Peppermint Essential Oil

Directions for use

Place ring around the nasal septum and breathe deeply. Do not share ring with others. Reusable up to 30x if user refreshes with own oils.

To reuse ring, wash with a mild soap and water and let dry completely before placing back in the pouch. Add 1-3 drops of oil and let soak at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

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